General Information
User Groups:
Hikers, horses and mountain bikes with some seasonal restrictions. No wheelchair facilities.
Subjective Trail Rating for Beauty and Difficulty:
This is a 2.25 mile round-trip hike with an elevation differential of about 350 feet. The effort is a small price to pay for the views that can be had on top of Borel Hill. Although the view may be obscured by clouds, I find that spring is my favorite season to visit. The hills are covered in green grass and the wildflower displays are incredible. Fall, on the other hand, will provide breathtaking views of the Bay and the Sea.
No permits are required. Access is free.
From the town of Saratoga in the Santa Clara County, take highway 9 west through the town and into the Santa Cruz Mountains. At the intersection of highway 35 (Skyline Blvd.) turn north (right) and continue to the intersection of Alpine/Page Mill Road. To the West it is Alpine road and to the right it is Page Mill Road. Turn west (left) and the parking lot is immediately to the right.
For a free trail map, contact the Midpenisula Open Space District at the address below.
Who to contact:
Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District, 330 Distel Court, Los Altos, CA 94022-1404 (tel) 650-691-1200.
Werner Hager at
Last updated August 6, 1999.
Copyright 1996, 1997 1998, 1999 by Werner W. Hager and Micromoms. All rights reserved.