California Hiking - A Virtual Presentation
CyberHikes is dedicated to providing information about California Hiking trails. All trails are day hikes which will allow them to be hiked by anyone in moderately good health. Because walking is so beneficial to health, it is important to open up as many hiking opportunities as possible. CyberHikes will explore the abundance of parks and open spaces that are available to the casual hiker in California. Through the extensive use of pictures, maps and text, a virtual experience is achieved. Central California Hiking will be emphasized due its proximity to my home. I would love to hear any comments about CyberHikes by eMail to cyberguide@cyberhikes.com. If you have the time I invite you to read the story behind CyberHikes.
You can begin your tour by entering into any of these areas

Be sure to visit Uvas Canyon County Park for
Select this for links to other interesting hiking sites.
Werner Hager at cyberguide@cyberhikes.com
Last updated March 12, 2007.
Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2007 by Werner W. Hager and Micromoms. All rights reserved.